أخبار محلية

A long career in Hezbollah, Who is the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

He is the son of Abdul Karim Nasrallah, owner of a small shop, and the eldest brother among 9 sons, from Southern Bazourieh. He is Abu Hadi, the father of the young martyr who was killed sometime in a September. He is the Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan or Sayyed.. One word is enough for his loved ones to know him.

On August 31, 1960, in the “Sharshbouk” neighborhood in Eastern Beirut, a new chapter in the history of the country and the region was born, it was the day Hassan saw the light. Fifteen years later, this enthusiastic young man, joined the Lebanese resistance brigades “Amal”, which was founded by Imam Sayyed Musa al-Sadr, when the family headed to Bazourieh near Tyre.

Later on, the “Sayyed” headed to Najaf in Iraq, where he spent two years studying religious studies in the religious seminary, where he met Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi, before leaving and returning to Lebanon in 1979. Sayyed Nasrallah was influenced by Sayyed al-Musawi, who was his mentor and teacher, and both were influenced by the instigator of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Ruhollah al-Musawi Khomeini. Sayyed Nasrallah met him in 1981, and they agreed on their positions on the West, the Israeli occupation, and the Palestinian cause, for which he sacrificed his life.

In 1982, and as young as 22, he participated in the founding of Hezbollah. He rushed to serve the resistance, whose voice was heard in cars broadcasted with loudspeakers, urging people to stand in the face of “Israel,” whom he defined as a temporary entity that will inevitably disappear, until they achieve one of two good things: victory or martyrdom.

A captivating and majestic presence and a powerful statement and argument; these are two qualities that go hand in hand with Sayyed Nasrallah, whose words captured the heart of every listener, and when they are associated with his imminence where-ever he is mentioned. Therefore, it is not surprising that his first responsibilities in Hezbollah included mobilization and the establishment of military cells. After that, he became the head of the Beirut region.

Later, Sayyed Nasrallah became the general executive head of Hezbollah, and a member of the Shura Council, the highest leadership body within Hezbollah. In 1989, he left Beirut for Qom in Iran, where he continued his religious studies. Two years later, and with further political developments in Lebanon, that was torn apart by civil war and occupied by “Israel” in parts of the south and western Bekaa, Sayyed Nasrallah returned to Lebanon, and Sayyed Abbas al-Moussawi was elected Secretary-General.

During the year in which Sayyed al-Moussawi was the General Secretariat, Sayyed Nasrallah returned to his executive responsibilities. On February 16, 1992, the occupation assassinated Sayyed Abbas. The election of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as a successor to the martyred Secretary-General took only a few minutes, although the new Secretary-General, who had also become a martyr, wished that this position would be given to someone else, since “all the brothers were older than me.”

“The matter did not take five minutes,” is what Sayyed Nasrallah said about his election, as the decision was taken in the Shura Council before he joined the meeting, as the officials agreed that it is in the interest of the resistance that Sayyed Nasrallah accepts this leadership. Thus, Sayyed took over after his predecessor.

On September 27, 2024, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was assassinated while his fellow resistance members where launching missile rockets on northern occupied Palestine, in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and their resistance, and in defence of Lebanon and its people. This is how Sayyed Nasraallah concluded his career. It started 32 years ago, shelling settlements with “Katyushas” was the first decision he made as Secretary-General, to create history that the Islamic Resistance introduced this weapon into the confrontation with the occupation.

The liberation of the south from the Israeli occupation in 2000 was the most prominent achievement that established Sayyed Nasrallah as a great leader, not only for the Hezbollah environment that grew and became increasingly attached to its choice, nor for the Lebanese alone, but for all Arabs and Muslims around the world, as he was the first Arab leader to humiliate “Israel” and force it to withdraw without any conditions, and prove to the whole world that “this Israel, which possesses nuclear weapons and the strongest air force in the region, is, by God, weaker than a spider’s web.”

He is the one who returned the land to the southerners, who made them safe in their homes, who freed the fathers and sons from Israeli prisons and offered comfort to their families. It was he who gathered the elders of the villages to dance in the squares that became empty of Israelis, who filled the women’s pots with rice to sprinkle on the cars that received the liberated villages. It was he who wrote the songs that tell stories of endless heroism.

Who among us does not remember Hajja Fatima Qashmar, who thanked God for the liberation? Sayyed Nasrallah is the one who put those words “Thank God you liberated me” on her tongue, and brought joy and happiness to her heart, and made later generations rejoice in her joy.

He is the one who told all Arabs and Palestinians in particular, that those whose land was liberated could be you too. Resist, be patient, and prepare for “Israel” whatever you can of equipment and avenge your martyrs, and you will succeed, for “O our Palestinian people, your destiny is in your hands, you can regain it with your will, with the choice of Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, with the blood of Fathi Shaqaqi and Yahya Ayyash, you can regain your land. You can return your families to their homes with pride and honor without begging anyone.”

The July 2006 aggression only increased the greatness of this leader in the eyes of his lovers and haters alike. This time he told all the peoples of the region that the United States can also be defeated, and that the Middle East and your countries can be as you want them to be, not as your enemy wants, and he forced the world to admit that “Nasrallah won the war” indeed. He told them that they were able to burn everything that could harm the honor of this country, just as his resistance did with “Saar” in the middle of the sea.

He brought the people back to their homes in the south and the suburbs, and rebuilt them so that they would return “better than they were.” And because his people, who returned to their homes that July, experienced his honest promise, they were patient with what happened to them during his support for the resistance in Gaza, and sacrificed their homes and livelihoods for the sake of Palestine, in sacrifice for the resistance, and in sacrifice for the beloved Sayyed, who promised that “we will reconstruct it so that it would be better than it was.”

Because Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is not limited by artificial borders, he made his decision regarding the war on Syria within the framework of the supreme cause, the cause of Palestine. Syria had to stand firm under its leadership, and not fall into the hands of the United States, “Israel,” and the Takfiris, so that the resistance and Palestine would stand firm, and so that the people of the region would not enter darkness. To achieve this goal, Sayyed Nasrallah announced in May 2013 that Hezbollah would fight in Syria alongside the army against terrorists.

He promised his people in Lebanon that he would not allow the fighters to control the Lebanese-Syrian border. He did not disappoint, as usual, and brought his people a new victory in liberating the outskirts on the border with Syria, in the second liberation battle in August 2017.

Sayyed Nasrallah, the defender of the right wherever it was, did not forget Yemen either, and took a position supporting Sanaa and Ansar Allah against the global military coalition against them, shouting in the faces of all those who claimed that the war was in defense of Yemen’s Arabism: “An Arab war against whom? Against an Arab people? Against pure Arabs? Look at their complexion, their dialect, their language, their poetry, their literature, their eloquence and their fluency. Look at their chivalry, courage, fatherhood, refusal to injustice, their pride, their jealousy, their generosity and their presence. If the Yemeni people are not Arabs, then who are the Arabs?”

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ascended as a great martyr on the road to Jerusalem and Palestine, to join the caravan of his fellow martyrs, and refused until the last moment, until his last breath, to fail to perform his duty in support of the resistance in the Gaza Strip in “Al-Aqsa Flood”, which represented the battle “between all truth and all falsehood”. And to him “we do not say goodbye, but we say goodbye.. goodbye with the victory of blood over the sword, goodbye in martyrdom, next to the beloved”.

A few lines are not enough to tell the biography of one of the greatest men of the Arab and Islamic nations, and one of the greatest leaders, who was a model and example for hundreds of thousands, even millions, all over the world, as no lines can contain what the hearts of his lovers contain, and the days, nights, and years will surely reveal much of what this great leader has offered in secret.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was confident that he would pray in the holy city of Jerusalem, and his fans were confident that he would lead the prayers in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque with them. His martyrdom does not change anything, for whoever lives and is martyred will remain alive. And just as all his previous promises came true, this promise will also come true, and he will be among the crowds of worshippers on the day of the great conquest.

Until that time comes, those who trusted him will always remain pure, as he once asked them to do.

This Sayyed is invincible, for “when we are victorious, we are victorious, and when we are martyred, you are victorious. We are on the verge of a great victory. We must not be defeated as a result of the fall of a great leader of ours. Rather, we must carry his blood, we must carry his banner, we must carry his goals, and we must move forward with firm determination, will, faith, and a love for meeting God.”

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